Terms and Conditions

By using our website, you acknowledge these Terms and agree to abide by the rules laid out here when you visit Altrix Edge.

General Introduction

This page details the official Terms and Conditions of the Altrix Edge website. The terms outlined here apply to any person or entity utilising the official Altrix Edge website or its subsites. By using our website, you acknowledge these Terms and agree to abide by the rules laid out here when you visit Altrix Edge.


Throughout these Terms and Conditions, Altrix Edge will utilise terms such as 'We', 'Our,' and 'Us' to make references to the owners of the Altrix Edge website. We may refer to our users as 'clients', 'customers', 'you', 'yours', etc.

Legal Age

All visitors and users of the Altrix Edge website should be over the legal age of 18 or 21, depending on their country of origin or jurisdiction. Before using the Altrix Edge website, we highly advise you to read every section of these Terms and Conditions to ensure you fully understand them and agree to abide by them. If you disagree with any of the terms outlined here, it is advised that you stop using the Altrix Edge website at this point.

Last updated: Aug 10, 2023

Disclaimer of Risk

The primary role, purpose, and mission of the Altrix Edge website are to deliver a wide array of introductory-level information, data, and knowledge on the global crypto market and assist our users with finding cryptocurrency brokers that fit their trading experience and investment goals. We are not licensed as financial advisors, we are not brokers, and we do not claim to be crypto market experts.


Altrix Edge is a marketing tool that generates profit from affiliate partnerships; we partner with brokers in various regions to connect our users. Our sole aim is to successfully match prospective traders with one of our partnered brokers through an automatic system that starts upon user account registration.


The wide variety of material featured on the Altrix Edge website is created to inform and benefit our users. However, due to the high-speed, volatile, and unpredictable nature of the global cryptocurrency markets, we cannot guarantee that the material published on Altrix Edge is accurate, reliable, or up-to-date.

Thus, if there is any negative impact of following the content on our website, we are not responsible. Always bear in mind that you can lose all of your investments when trading cryptocurrency.

Awareness of the numerous risks involved in the cryptocurrency industry is vital to protect your initial investment. This is an inherently volatile investing space and will not be well-suited to all types of investors. So, before deciding to invest in digital assets, always do your research and consult with a licensed financial professional.

Scope of Services

Altrix Edge's scope of services is limited to bringing together traders and financial brokers. Once users have agreed to the Terms and Conditions outlined on this page, they will be introduced to an automatically chosen affiliate broker from our network. Users will then have the opportunity to communicate with their broker and decide whether they would like to use their services. It is the users’ responsibility to research their assigned broker and familiarise themselves with that company’s services and terms of use before making investments.

Trading is high-risk, and the financial market can be unpredictable. Therefore, Altrix Edge is exempt from any liability regarding users’ decisions, profits, and losses. We urge you to do thorough market research before investing. By continuing to use this platform, you agree that you fully understand these Terms and Conditions.

Geographical Restrictions

Altrix Edge is available to users all around the world. Please note, however, that our services may not be legal in your country of residence. In some regions, marketing cryptocurrency-based CFDs and similar speculative financial tools may be prohibited or restricted. For instance, in the United Kingdom, cryptocurrency CFD trading is restricted via PS 20/10 by the FCA. Similar restrictions may apply in parts of the USA, Canada, and other countries. Therefore, all users must do their due diligence and familiarise themselves with all cryptocurrency-related laws relevant to their country of residence.

Disclosure of Affiliate Links

Affiliate links may occasionally be included across the Altrix Edge website. Sometimes, the Altrix Edge website may use affiliate links. These links will direct users to products or services that the Altrix Edge team deems might be relevant to our customer base. Altrix Edge may receive financial compensation when one of our users clicks on these affiliate links and makes a successful purchase.

The financial compensation we receive does not entail any extra cost to our users and does not depend on the clients’ trading performance.

This means we will not be held responsible for potential profits or losses from using any product, service, or website promoted via affiliate links on Altrix Edge. Responsibility for such content lies with those behind third-party services, websites, or products. So it is advised that you refer to their respective Terms and Conditions to ensure you agree and that they fit the up-to-date crypto trading regulations.

Website Usage

If any adverse incidents or trading results may stem from the use of the Altrix Edge website, this section outlines how we are not to be held responsible. In addition, we take no responsibility for the following:

Site Interruptions: A temporary outage of the Altrix Edge website, services offered, or a slow response from web admins due to backend issues or website updates may occasionally happen. Site issues may occur after maintenance has been conducted to ensure we provide users with an efficient and error-free experience when using our services.

Functional Disruptions: From time to time, the web admins of Altrix Edge may be required to make changes, updates, and other adjustments to the website or the content to keep it up-to-date and deliver an enjoyable experience for our users. Altrix Edge has the right to do so without informing our users beforehand. However, we will notify users of possible disruptions whenever possible.

As well as all of the material on our website, the content contained in these Terms and Conditions is also subject to changes and updates without prior notice. When a change or update is made to the website or its Terms and Conditions, it will take effect from the time you continue to use the Altrix Edge website. It is the users’ responsibility to stay updated with the latest version of this website.

Third-party links: Users may encounter links to various resources and projects while navigating this website. We include these links for educational purposes but do not claim that the hyperlinked content is up-to-date, accurate or relevant. We urge users to take time to verify sources and do their own research whilst browsing.

Altrix Edge is not responsible for damages suffered by users as a result of service interruptions on our site and third parties we have linked to, or through following affiliate links.

Copyrighted Content

On the subject of copyrighted content, it should be assumed by all users that all content featured on the official Altrix Edge website, including, but not limited to, images, videos, text, and code, is copyrighted as the intellectual property of Altrix Edge unless stated otherwise.

In addition, Altrix Edge does not permit other websites to duplicate, copy, or repost any of the content featured on our website, whether free of charge or in exchange for financial compensation. You may ask for permission to use Altrix Edge intellectual property by contacting us, but we have the right to decline your request.

You may print out Altrix Edge website content for personal use.

Exclusion of Liability

Altrix Edge is not liable for damages or losses that occur directly or indirectly as a result from:

Changes to Content

Altrix Edge reserves the right to alter aspects of our website content at any time and without informing users before the changes. Changes can include updating, deleting, replacing, or otherwise amending parts or all of our website content, including the present Terms and Conditions Agreement.

All amendments will take effect immediately once made live on Altrix Edge. By continuing to use our website, you agree to all changes made, regardless of whether you are aware of them or not. Altrix Edge is not liable for any losses experienced as a result of this.


Most functional modern websites utilise cookie technology to provide a better experience for the users visiting their websites. A cookie is a text file sent to a user’s browser via the site server they are using, in this case, Altrix Edge. Then, the cookie remains on the browser so that the website in question can recognise the user on their next visit and provide a personalised experience for each client.

The overall aim of cookie technology is to allow websites to run efficiently and give site visitors a superior experience overall. However, there is a variety of cookies, and each of them operates in different ways. In this section of our Terms and Conditions, we have compiled a list of the cookies used on this website.

Functional cookies: These are the most commonly found cookies on modern websites. Also known as essential cookies, they are crucial in ensuring that the most critical parts of a website can function efficiently. In addition, they allow users to conveniently log in and operate the site without filling out forms repeatedly as the cookies memorise their details.

Third-party cookies: From time to time, Altrix Edge will feature links from outside sites and third parties. These links may contain cookies from said partners. However, we are not responsible for the cookies enabled through external websites. We suggest you read their Terms and Conditions and specific cookie policies for more detailed information.

Google Analytics: Most websites use the Google Analytics program to monitor traffic, user behaviour, bounce rates, etc., and to understand how their website is used and how they can provide relevant content for their users. However, it is important to remember that Google cannot view, use, or collect any of the data we collect via cookies and, therefore, cannot utilise it for Google projects.

Cookie technology plays a crucial role in running a modern website’s backend. However, cookies are not well-suited to every user online, and it is only natural that some people will want to avoid using them. If you are one of these people, you can decline the use of cookies on the Altrix Edge website or deactivate them entirely from the web browser you use. However, remember that doing so may negatively affect your overall site experience, from disabling vital features to slower loading times.

Unlawful Behaviour

By using the Altrix Edge website, all site users unequivocally agree only to use it in law-abiding methods. By this, we mean that you refrain from illegal and disrespectful behaviour, such as, but not limited to: using the Altrix Edge site to transfer, download, post, or convey any data or other material that infringes the rights of other users.

In addition, it is equally forbidden to transfer, download, post, or convey any data or other material viewed as unsafe, hostile, disparaging, derogatory, or bigotted. It is forbidden to upload or post illegal data or dangerous material that contains viruses or other programming equipped to harm the Altrix Edge website or the online framework of our users.

Queries and Comments

If, after reading these Terms and Conditions, you have any queries, comments, remarks, or requests you wish to make, you are welcome to contact a friendly member of one of the Altrix Edge team via the contact section of our website. One of our partners’ representatives will be in touch with you as soon as possible, although response times may be delayed during busy periods.