Cookie Policy

The following official cookie policy explains how Altrix Edge uses cookies, the types we use, and why we use them.

If you want to know what cookies are, the different types of cookies we use on Altrix Edge, and how we use them, then the official cookie policy page of Altrix Edge is the right place to learn.

Overall, the Altrix Edge website utilizes the impressive technology of cookies to develop a customized and flawless experience for those who visit and use our website and subsites.

The following official cookie policy explains how Altrix Edge uses cookies, the types we use, and why we use them.

While cookies bring a whole host of incredible convenient uses to those who take advantage of them, they’re not for everybody. We understand and respect this. So if you wish to avoid using cookies and their many online benefits, you can skip to the section of this cookies policy that explains how to opt out of cookies.

However, it’s important to note that opting out of cookies can negatively affect your website experience.

If you’re curious to gain more information about our overall privacy regulations and practices, we suggest that you check out the Altrix Edge privacy policy that you can read here.

What Are Cookies & How Do They Work?

Cookies are straightforward to explain. They are small text files saved on a user’s device’s browser, memory, or hard drive. In doing so, they can recognize a specific user’s device in future online sessions.

By doing so, cookies can play a crucial role in allowing a website to provide a customized experience based on a user’s likes and dislikes, craft a better online experience overall, and save you countless amounts of time by memorizing your login information and your browsing preferences.

The Range of Cookies Altrix Edge Uses

Across a modern and cutting-edge website like Altrix Edge, several different cookies are in action. They all play a crucial role in the smooth running of the website. Overall, we utilize the services of three different varieties of cookies in the daily running of the Altrix Edge website.

In this section of our official cookies policy, we’ll cover each of these three cookies, how they work, and why we use them.

Permanent Cookies

The first type of cookies that we use are commonly referred to as either permanent or essential cookies. The way they work is by collecting vital data such as login data and we at Altrix Edge use them for reasons such as:

Third-Party Cookies

The second type of cookie technology we use is called third-party or temporary cookies. Their primary role is to keep track of a site user’s online patterns between different websites. They aim to show the user relevant content, ads, and information based on what they like, dislike, and need. Sometimes Altrix Edge may feature temporary cookies for the following reasons:

Google Analytics

The third type of cookies we use is those of Google Analytics, a cutting-edge program that lets web admins see what site visitors like, dislike, and the things they want to see more of. We use the cookies associated with Google Analytics for reasons such as:

An important thing to remember is that Google Analytics has an agreement with the websites that use its technology, ensuring Google cannot see or utilize any of the data collected via Google Analytics cookies.

How to Opt-Out of Cookies on Altrix Edge

Cookies are used to provide an insight into the daily use of our website and, in turn, to give our users a better, customized, and enhanced website experience. However, it’s only natural that not everybody wants to take advantage of cookie technology’s many benefits in exchange for more private browsing. So we offer an option for site users to opt out of cookies.

However, if you decide to opt out, you should consider the potential effects of not using cookies on the Altrix Edge website and other sites. By opting out, the website’s functionality and overall experience may be dramatically reduced. In the most severe instances, you may find some services on the website inaccessible altogether. But if you still wish to opt-out, then we have provided some of the most straightforward ways to do so below:

  1. On your first visit to the Altrix Edge website, you’ll be presented with options for using cookies. As well as a brief overview of the use of cookies and how they work, you’ll be given the option to accept or decline. If you don’t wish to use cookies, click decline. To use them and take advantage of their benefits, click accept.
  2. You can also adjust your browser settings to block cookies’ use automatically. Most modern browsers will provide you with the option to either reject the use of all forms of cookie technology or narrow it down to specific variants such as permanent or third-party cookies.
  3. If you’ve agreed to the use of cookies in the past and wish to opt out of them, you just need to clear your past browsing history. When doing so, ensure that you check the option that reconfirms that all prior cookies will be cleared out and not solely your browsing history.

Updates to The Altrix Edge Cookie Policy

Overall, the realm of cookies is a fast-moving technological world. Our website may receive updates to adapt to cookies and new regulations. When it does, Altrix Edge reserves the right to adjust, modify, and change our official cookie policy to reflect updated regulations or technology surrounding cookies. Although we will strive to keep our website users updated on any changes to our cookie policy, we also reserve the right to make such changes without giving prior notice.

How to Contact Us Regarding Our Cookie Policy

If you have any inquiries, problems, or require more details regarding any of the information in the official Altrix Edge cookie policy, you are welcome to reach out to us. You can flawlessly contact a member of our team via the contact page of the official Altrix Edge website.